About Ari Kellen


Dr. Ari Kellen serves as a strategic advisor and investor for early-stage healthcare companies across Israel, the US, and Europe. In this capacity, he draws on 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry, during which time he practiced medicine and functioned in executive-level capacities. Currently, Dr. Ari Kellen is a strategic advisor at Nouri Life and BioNanoSim, which develops proprietary nanoencapsulation technologies for drug delivery.

Moreover, he sits on the boards of two medical-technology companies, Theraclion and Vaxil Bio Therapeutics. The former designs medical equipment for high-intensity focused ultrasound or ecotherapy treatment, and the latter creates novel immunotherapies to treat cancer and infectious diseases.

Earlier in his career, he oversaw operations at a South African hospital and later provided strategic direction to CEOs and the board directors of major healthcare organizations worldwide. In preparation for his career, Dr. Ari Kellen studied medicine and business administration at the University of the Witwatersrand, where he graduated with distinction and earned a master of business administration and a bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery.

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